In today’s broadcast, Joseph Z started by condemning the recent happening in Nashville. He said there’ll be an uncovering regarding what happened. He went on to pray that what was made for evil will turn out for good. He then went further to enlighten us that when all this evil begins to happen out of the blue, it means the evil men are using it as a distraction to cover up the real issues like their financial misdealings. He asserts that the false flag narrative will come from all angles but encouraged us to remember it was dark in Egypt but there was light in Goshen. Moving on, he revealed that world powers are coming together and those who’ve been bought by them are dancing to their bid. He revealed further that there’ll be earthquakes, wild weather, persecution and a smokescreen that’ll be utilized to push back with the anti-Christ agenda, but then; there’ll be another round of favour, and an increase for those being obedient to God. Additionally, he revealed that there’ll be an international shake-up coming, but reassures us of an intervention in spring, which may not be all rosy but will be the best thing that’ll ever happen for us. He discloses further that there’s a divine assignment coming upon our lives and that of our children; Ausbury will break out and on the brink of that will come persecution which will be dwarfed by victory. Moreso, Joseph instructs that the Lord has called for us to have hope for the future and advises us to step into God's calling for our lives. He then reassures us that the Lord will provide for us in an unprecedented manner; the spirit of might is coming upon us, and this spirit will help us to resist the antichrist agenda. He cautions that there’ll be more of this wicked act as the one that happened in Nashville, but the Lord is calling us to watch and pray, as we’re carriers of the presence of God. He further reveals that all plans by men's effort will not continue in the season ahead of us. Those who depend on their own flesh and strength will not be able to continue because the day of wind and the sails is here. Man’s way of doing things will run out of gas and those who do not have the spirit of God will be caught unawares. Furthermore, Joseph reveals that the reigns of the ministry are going back to the hands of the Levites, and the called. Although there’ll be more economic shaking, valleys of turbulence and difficulties, it will not stop the call of God upon us and our families. He encouraged us that our best days are in front of us and that God has the spirit of might for us and he’s making a way where there seems to be no way. He insists further that there’ll be another round of God’s intervention. It’ll be a time of great strength and purpose, and some of the people who pulled back from pursuing will also enjoy the blessings of those who did, but he advises us not to cast them away. Watch the broadcast and learn a lot more about Joseph Z's revelations today. #nashvilletragedy #falseflags #justice #prophecy #josephz #zministries #intervention #prophecylive Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:32 False Flag Narrative 02:44 World Powers Alliance 07:08 International Shake-up 08:05 Divine Assignment 10:31 Victory in your Life 11:04 Spirit of Might 13:08 You’re Anointed to Intercede 14:31 The Day of Wind & Sails 16:33 Reigns of Ministry 17:38 There’s an “Exposing” Coming 21:43 Baptise your Emotions 23:15 Conclusion March 29, 2023